Yes, Rezervy is multi language ready. You offer multiple languages option for bookings customers and also translate all the labels and strings in Rezervy.
A booking system should enable you to work with different languages in the booking form. This way, your guests can book in their preferred language and currency, which should then trigger all automated customer communication to function in this language as well. They will feel right at home and more comfortable with booking.
Here are steps to add translation in new language:
- Login to admin dashboard
- Go to “Setup” menu from dashboard
- Go to “Languages” from setup page.

- Click on dropdown “Select language to translate“
- You can search language and select. After selecting language, sections will list below automatically.

- Click on “Expand all labels section” or expand section manually.
- Add translation for all/specific label you want.

- Once translation is added, you can select language to load by default. By selecting “Run default language on page load:” choose your translated language or if multiple languages, select one language to load by default.

- If you have multiple languages, you have show dropdown on frontend to choose language. Then select all your translated languages under “Select Languages to show in Language Selection Dropdown” dropdown.

Language translation is done, and language dropdown will be available on booking form and all dashboards.

How to translate label in existing translated language?
- You will see your translated languages under “Translated Languages are:” label.
- Click on “pencil or edit” icon to updated/add translation for existing language.